Roosevelt Presidential Press Conferences Number 651 (June 11, 1940)

Source :Franklin D. Roosevelt Library – Press Conference – Vol 15, page 562, documents aimablement communiqués par Mme Silvana Ippati-Wiltshire

Q : In your conference today with the French industrialist Renault, did he give you any experience in the changing over from the manufacture of civilian goods to war materials in his factories ?


Q : Can you tell us anything about it ?

THE PRESIDENT : Well, he told me about his factory and how they had gone into the three-shift basis last summer and how it had worked extremely well. Also he told me, very interestingly, about how, when the French mobilized the end of August, it took a very large number, a great many thousands of his employees, out of the plant and into the army, and that he went right around locally, and got the mothers and sisters and brothers, and so forth, of people who have been called to the colors to come in there and, in an amazingly short time, he was able to get his production back to the normal. They learned very fast.

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