Source :Franklin D. Roosevelt Library – President’s official file 203a – France Miscellaneous, documents aimablement communiqués par Mme Silvana Ippati-Wiltshire
My Dear general,
I am very sorry for the misunderstanding that has happened yesterday about the audience granted by the President to M. Louis Renault, the great industrialist. From the information he gathered on Friday at the State Department, we believed that the president would be away from Washington during the entire week-end and that no reception was arranged for Saturday. Thus, Mr. Renault left Washington yesterday morning. He will, however, return this afternoon and expect to spend the next few days here.
Will you be kind enough if it is possible for the President to receive him. Of course, M. Renault will remain here as long as necessary to comply with Mr. Franklin Roosevelt’s wishes. But I think he would appreciate an early audience.
Believe me, my dear general, with best personal regards
Yours sincerely
M. de Saint-Quentin
(1) René Doynel de Saint-Quentin (1883-1961), ambassadeur de France aux Etats-Unis de 1938 à 1940